Sunday 18 January 2015

Hair Tutorial - Side Plait

 Hi everyone
It's time for another hair tutorial! This is how to do a side plait which is super quick and easy. I like this because it gives the same look from the front as having the side of you hair shaved without actually shaving it. Another way to do this would be to do two smaller plaits instead of just one.

1. I usually straighten my hair first as it is frizzy but you don't have to. Start by creating a deep part on either side of your head.

2. Grab a small section from the front on the side that has less hair and start plaiting underneath so the plait stands up.

3. Keep plaiting right around to the back of your head.

4. Start to plait underneath the hair you want left out right around the bottom of your head to the other side.

5. Finish the plait off and tie it with a small hair tie.

 Done! Super easy once you get the hang of it. 
If you have anything you would like me to post leave a comment!

-Alexis xx :)