Wednesday 21 January 2015

Bad Haircut :(

Hi everyone
So today I got a haircut for the first time in 2 years. Anyone who knows me or has even just seen me knows I love my hair so one of the worst things that could happen to me is a bad haircut. That is exactly what happened to me today. 
I have had a few bad haircuts before - mostly just things like my hair being cut uneven or on an angle which is quite noticable on my hair as I don't have layers but this is the worst. 
I love having long hair so when I went to get it cut I said to the lady doing it I just want a trim and I don't want it short. I showed her exactly how much I wanted off and everything was fine until I noticed how short she was cutting it. At that point it was too late to do anything so I had to let her finish.
As soon as I got to the car I started crying. She has cut off 3 times more than what I asked. I love having waist length hair so it was horrible suddenly having short hair. Luckily my hair grows fast so hopefully it will only be a few months until it is long again.

Before and after:

I had a few hair tutorials I was planning, which included a boho/hippie hairstyle that I love, but I will not be able to do them until my hair is longer. 
In the meantime I will try to make the best of a bad situation and come up with some hairstyles for shorter hair and I will of course continue with the back to school posts. 
Lesson: Don't be so trusting of people I haven't met before when it comes to cutting my hair.
If you have any post requests please leave a comment!

-Alexis xx :)

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