Tuesday 23 December 2014

DIY - Distressed, Bleach-dipped Shorts

Hi everyone!
Todays DIY is how to make distressed, bleach-dipped shorts. I used old high-wasted denim shorts that I got bored of ages ago to make these new shorts perfect for summer.

Old denim shorts
Thread unpicking tool

1. Find an old pair of denim shorts. I've had mine for ages and had gotten bored of them. The first thing I did was unpick the hem around the bottom of the shorts.

2. If your shorts are too long cut them to the right length for you. Make sure you put them on and mark out how long you want them before you cut.

3. Fold your shorts in half and put them on a hanger.

4. Pour your bleach into a bucket and dip the bottom of the shorts into it. Put them in slightly below where you want the line to be as the bleach will creep up the shorts a bit. Use gloves if you need the push the shorts down into the bucket. Hold them in the bucket for 4mins. 

5. Hang the shorts for 30mins. If you are doing this inside put a bucket under them as they will drip.

You may need to bleach the shorts again to get them whiter. I bleached mine twice. The second time I did it I put them slightly further into the bleach so it created an ombre effect. Remember to leave for 30mins each time!

6. Rinse the shorts to get the bleach out. I was outside so I used the hose but you can just use the tap if you want.

7. Wash your shorts separately or hand wash them to get rid of the last of the bleach.

8. When your shorts are dry you can start distressing them! Start by fraying the bottom of them.

9. Cut slits along the shorts and fray along the cuts a bit. 


10. Use sandpaper and a kitchen grater to make small holes and pull threads to finish the distressed look.

Done!! Now you have the perfect new shorts for summer!

-Alexis xx :) 

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