Wednesday 3 December 2014

A Little Bit About Me

Hi everyone

I think its about time I share a bit about myself :)

My name is Alexis Katriana and I live in a small town in the south island of New Zealand. I am 17 at the moment and I love fashion and beauty. I spend a lot of time making jewellery which I plan on selling at some point. Photos of my jewellery can be found on my Instagram as well as other things like fashion. These are just a few of my favourites but I have so much it's hard to decide :P

So other than the things I already mentioned I love music - electronic music. A couple of years ago I discovered Avicii and Nicky Romero after hearing the song I Could Be The One they produced together. I've been addicted since then :)

I am obsessed with beaches and summer so I will probably put up quite a few posts over the summer. 
I also have an obsession with leggings, studs, leather jackets, military boots and jackets and I have a ridiculous amount of vest singlets - I can't stop buying them! 

So all these things put together make me and the title of this blog ;) 
If you are interested in any of my jewellery please contact me :)

- Alexis xx :)  

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