Thursday 20 November 2014

DIY - Krewella Inspired Lace-up Leggings

Hi everyone! Todays DIY is how to make lace-up leggings inspired by the ones Jahan Yousaf from Krewella is wearing (picture below) from a pair of plain black leggings. This DIY could easily be changed to create something new and different - for example you could change the string colour from black to a bright colour for something more eye-catching or you could put more cuts in it.
 I went for a simple design of only 2 cuts and black string but I might put more lace-up parts at the bottom.

- Plain Black Leggings
- String to lace them up (I used leather)
- Black trim of your choice (elastic trim is a good idea)
- Eyelets - How many you use is your choice - I ended 
up using 32
- Sewing machine (or you could hand stitch
but it will take a while :P)

1. Mark out where you want the holes to be. I found it easiest to put the leggings on for this.

2. Cut out the piece where you want the hole. You need to cut out the full hole not just cut a slit because if you only cut a slit the leggings will end up baggy rather than tight as they should be.

3. Pin the trim along the edges of the hole and sew it on. Stitch along both edges of the trim as it will be tidier. 

You should end up with this.

4. Mark out where you want the eyelets to go - I used 8 on each side.

5. Put a small hole in the middle of the trim where the marks are. Its easiest to use a quick-unpick.

6. Push the eyelets through the small holes and fix it following the instructions given for the eyelets. 

7. Lace up your leggings with the string. Again it is easiest to do this if you have them on so you know how tight to have the string.

Done!! Wear your new leggings with boots and a singlet and you will look like you are part of Krewella! Make sure to hand wash the leggings so your hard work doesn't get ruined. 

- Alexis :)

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