Tuesday 23 December 2014

DIY - Distressed, Bleach-dipped Shorts

Hi everyone!
Todays DIY is how to make distressed, bleach-dipped shorts. I used old high-wasted denim shorts that I got bored of ages ago to make these new shorts perfect for summer.

Old denim shorts
Thread unpicking tool

1. Find an old pair of denim shorts. I've had mine for ages and had gotten bored of them. The first thing I did was unpick the hem around the bottom of the shorts.

2. If your shorts are too long cut them to the right length for you. Make sure you put them on and mark out how long you want them before you cut.

3. Fold your shorts in half and put them on a hanger.

4. Pour your bleach into a bucket and dip the bottom of the shorts into it. Put them in slightly below where you want the line to be as the bleach will creep up the shorts a bit. Use gloves if you need the push the shorts down into the bucket. Hold them in the bucket for 4mins. 

5. Hang the shorts for 30mins. If you are doing this inside put a bucket under them as they will drip.

You may need to bleach the shorts again to get them whiter. I bleached mine twice. The second time I did it I put them slightly further into the bleach so it created an ombre effect. Remember to leave for 30mins each time!

6. Rinse the shorts to get the bleach out. I was outside so I used the hose but you can just use the tap if you want.

7. Wash your shorts separately or hand wash them to get rid of the last of the bleach.

8. When your shorts are dry you can start distressing them! Start by fraying the bottom of them.

9. Cut slits along the shorts and fray along the cuts a bit. 


10. Use sandpaper and a kitchen grater to make small holes and pull threads to finish the distressed look.

Done!! Now you have the perfect new shorts for summer!

-Alexis xx :) 

Friday 19 December 2014

Nume In-Vogue Review

Hi everyone!
Recently I bought a Nume hair straightener so here is my review of it!

First thing I should let you know is I have thick, curly/wavy, frizzy hair. I got the In-vogue straightener with the Titanium plates as this was recommended for thick hair. 
I placed my order the half way through November and it took a month to get to NZ from the US. I am not to bothered about it because I know they were having technical difficulties around that time but it would have been nice to get it quicker. Nume has heaps of sales and I got about $120NZD off mine using a discount code. And I of course got it in purple. :P
When it arrived the packaging definitely impressed me. I love the tube design. I was also happy they sent me a NZ wall adapter so I didn't have to buy one.
The straightener works really well on my hair. The temperature is able to be changed and I was able to straighten my hair quickly. There was also very little frizz and the frizz I had was only because my hair is due to be cut.

So overall I love this straightener! You can buy it here.

-Alexis xx :)

Everyday Natural Makeup

Hi everyone!
This post is on how to create the everyday natural makeup look I wear quite often. This look is good for things like school and if you don't feel like wearing much makeup.

1. Start with a clean face. If you have yesterdays makeup on there is no way you will get a flawless finish.

2. Moisturise your face. This will make your makeup blend easier and will stop your face drying out. Don't be scared to use plenty just make sure to let it soak in a bit before applying makeup.

3. Start by applying concealer on areas you would like to conceal. I am using Natio Young acne concealer on my scarring and and any acne I have. I'm not going to conceal under my eyes but you can if you want. I recommend a brightening one such as Chi Chi 3-in-1 eye concealer. Use your fingers or a brush to blend it out.

4. Apply a BB or CC cream to your face. I am using L'Oreal Nude Magic CC cream. This CC cream only comes in one shade so if you have lighter skin it would be best to use a different one. I just use my fingers to apply to face. This will cover redness and give a light coverage. 

5. Use a beauty blender to blend the CC or BB cream for a flawless finish. Pay careful attention when blending over the concealer and make sure to blend it into your hairline, over your ears, around your nose and around your jaw and neck. (Ignore how dirty my blender is :/ ).

6. Set the makeup using a power. I'm using Australis Fresh and Flawless pressed powder. Apply powder over face using a large powder brush. This powder gives a nice finish and doesn't look cakey so I love it.

7. Apply 2 coats of black or brown mascara to top and bottom lashes. Use a lash comb to separate clumps after the mascara has dried a bit. I am using Revlon Lash Potion.

8. Tidy eyebrows using a eyebrow brush and use a clear gel to set them if you need to.

9. Use a lip balm to stop dry lips and give them a little shine. I am using a Miki one. This brand is really affordable and what I have tried is quite good.

So that's how it's done! If there are any makeup posts you would like please leave a comment or contact me.

-Alexis xx :)

-Natio Young Concealer - Farmers or here 
-L'Oreal CC cream - Farmers
-Australis Powder - Farmers or here
-Revlon Mascara - Farmers or here
-Miki Lip Balm - most pharmacies 

Saturday 13 December 2014

My Summer Jewellery Collection

Hi everyone!
Here is my entire summer jewellery collection made by me! 

If you are interested in anything please contact me

-Alexis xx :)

Monday 8 December 2014

DIY - Lip Scrub

Hi everyone! 
Todays DIY is how to make a lip scrub using only 3 ingredients! This lip scrub only uses natural ingredients, tastes good (so don't worry about getting any in your mouth :P) and it works quickly - after just one use I my lips were already softer. Here's how to make it:

You Will Need:
-2T liquid honey
-2T brown sugar
-2T cold pressed coconut oil (I used cold 
pressed so the scrub would be creamier)
-A jar to store it in

Put all the ingredients together in the jar and mix together 

Done! It's that easy! To use apply to lips and gently scrub to remove dead skin. Leave on for a few minutes so it can it can soak in then wipe off. Use every day for better results.

This scrub is a perfect gift for anyone and you know it isn't bad for you because it was only made using natural ingredients.

-Alexis xx :)

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Monthly Favourites - November 2014

Hi everyone!
I'm going to start something new on here - monthly favourites. This will be a post at the end of each month telling you about what my favourite things have been for that month. So to start it off here are my favourite things from November!

First up is my makeup favourites. It is coming up to summer here in New Zealand so I have been using bronzer a lot. This Chi Chi mosaic bronzer is amazing! I got it in the shade dark. The way the different shades are separated means it is easy to make it darker or lighter depending on how you want it to look. The shades around the outside have a slight shimmer to them but the dark one in the middle is quite matte so I often use it to contour. 
My other makeup fav is the Revlon Lash Potion by Grow Luscious mascara. My eyelashes tend to clump together with mascara but the brush with this one separates them well and makes them look a lot longer. It is also affordable - it only cost me $20 

My fashion fav for this month is my Guess bag. I take it everywhere with me and it has so much room in it. It goes with so many different outfits and is just beautiful.

My favourite jewellery of this month is one of mine.. my gold body chains. These are so perfect for summer and can be worn with a bikini at the beach or with a crop top as you can see I have done. 

Last favourite this month is music. You know the deal by Bisbetic ft. Sam Bruno. Amazing production by Bisbetic and beautiful vocals :)

So that is all for this months favourites. Information on where to buy these things below :)

-Alexis xx :)

-Chi Chi Mosaic Bronzer - From Farmers or online at Chi Chi
-Revlon Mascara - Farmers and most pharmacies in NZ or at Revlon 
-Guess bag - This exact one is no longer being sold but there are heaps more amazing ones at Guess
-You know the deal - Bisbetic ft. Sam Bruno - Beatport 
-Body Chains - If you are interested in my body chains please contact me!

A Little Bit About Me

Hi everyone

I think its about time I share a bit about myself :)

My name is Alexis Katriana and I live in a small town in the south island of New Zealand. I am 17 at the moment and I love fashion and beauty. I spend a lot of time making jewellery which I plan on selling at some point. Photos of my jewellery can be found on my Instagram as well as other things like fashion. These are just a few of my favourites but I have so much it's hard to decide :P

So other than the things I already mentioned I love music - electronic music. A couple of years ago I discovered Avicii and Nicky Romero after hearing the song I Could Be The One they produced together. I've been addicted since then :)

I am obsessed with beaches and summer so I will probably put up quite a few posts over the summer. 
I also have an obsession with leggings, studs, leather jackets, military boots and jackets and I have a ridiculous amount of vest singlets - I can't stop buying them! 

So all these things put together make me and the title of this blog ;) 
If you are interested in any of my jewellery please contact me :)

- Alexis xx :)