Wednesday 15 July 2015

DIY - Dreamcatcher

Hi everyone!

Today I have another DIY for y'all... how to make a dreamcatcher! I love these and they are perfect for hanging in my room, which I like to keep a summer vibe in all year round. These are super easy and there is endless designs you could make.

-A hoop the size you want your dreamcatcher,
I used metal but plastic works just as well. I 
also used a large one and a smaller one
-String or embroidery thread - lots of it!
-Leather string (optional)
-Any other things to decorate eg beads

1. Choose the colour you want the hoop to be, I chose black, and tie the end onto the large hoop.

2. Start wrapping the string around the outside of the hoop. You need to cover the whole hoop.

3. Once you have covered the hoop tie off the string and cut the end. I put a dab of glue over the knot to make sure it wouldn't come undone.

4. Now is to make the net part in the center. Start tying the string around the hoop (see picture). To keep it from going lopsided the string needs to be tied on in even spaces apart. You can just estimate this but I actually measured mine because I didn't trust myself not to mess up. I think I split mine into 12 parts but it will depend on the size of your hoop. 

5. Once you get back to the start don't tie the sting in the same place as the start but tie it in the middle of the first section of string. You will be making a sort of spiral shape.

6. It should be starting to look like this. Keep going until you get to the center.

7. When you get into the middle it is easiest to use a needle to weave the sting as it gets small.

8. When you get to the middle you can just tie it off like I did or thread a bead into the middle for extra decoration.

9. With the smaller ring I wrapped leather around it.

10. Take 3 strands of the leather and glue them to the hoop.

11. Next plait the strands.

12. When you reach the end glue the ends down onto the opposite side of the hoop.

13. Glue 2 strands of the leather to the middle of the plait and to the bottom of the hoop on an angle to make a peace sign. 

14. Tie the peace sign onto the bottom of the dreamcatcher.

15. Tie feathers onto the bottom. The easiest way to do this is to tie the string around the feather then put a dab of glue over the string so the feather doesn't slip off. Add any beads or anything else you want to decorate it with.

16. Tie string on the top to hang it from.

Done! These are super fun and easy to make and are an awesome decoration for any room. The different ways you could make them is endless!

If you have any requests for DIY projects leave a comment!

-Alexis :)

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