Tuesday 30 June 2015

DIY - Flower Hairclips

Hi everyone

My high school ball is coming up in a few weeks and the theme is Enchanted Forest so I have decided I want flowers in my hair. I made these flower hair-clips which are going to be perfect for the night and below is the instructions of how I made them.


-Fake flowers - I got mine from the dollar store
for only a couple of dollars
-Bobby pins
-Wire - I used 28 gauge
-Pliers (If you have them, they are helpful)
-Wire Cutters
-Hot glue (optional)

1. Pull the flowers off the stems

2. Cut the stem bit down if it is too long. Don't cut it all off or the flowers will fall apart.

3. Push the needle through the stem to make a hole.

4. Put the wire through the holes.

5. Wrap the wire around the bobby pin.

6. Make sure the ends of the wire are pushed flat.

7. If the flowers feel a bit loose you can put a little hot glue over it to hold it a bit more.


That's all there is to it! Super simple and very pretty for any hairstyle. 
Over the next few weeks I will have more posts relating to my ball including my makeup and my final look for the night!

If you have anything you would like me to post leave a comment!

-Alexis :)

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