Wednesday 25 February 2015

Galaxy, Pastel and Hippy/Boho Raver?!!

Leggings - I Heart Raves - sold out but they
still have heaps of cool ones here!
Jacket - Glassons - sold out online
Boots - Hannahs
Strappy Bra (worn underneath) - DIY here!
Necklaces and Kandi - Made by me! :)

Hi everyone!
I honestly don't know what kind of style this is other than just me. It is a mix between raver and boho styles but that's just how I am! 
The top and leggings are both from I Heart Raves. This shop is amazing because it has clothing for festivals and raves as well as things for everyday wear. If you sign up to their email newsletter they send you amazing discount codes every week so I saved heaps when I ordered from them. 
The jacket came from Glassons but it has now sold out. I love the mint green and it is an awesome change from the usual black fake leather jackets.
The boots are from Hannahs and my boyfriend got these for me for Christmas. They go with both leggings and jeans which I find awesome and I am always wearing them.
Underneath the top I am wearing a strappy bra that I made myself from a plain bra and elastic trim. I have put up a DIY post for it, link above.
The necklaces and kandi I made myself. I love the look of layered necklaces so I stacked up a feather choker, a bird nest and a key on a long chain. I have a series of tutorials on how to make kandi that I will be posting over the next couple of weeks so keep an eye out for that!
And lastly is my hair! I have done a boho style messy knot. A tutorial for this can be found here! I just added a few plaits to it to make it more interesting. I love this hairstyle because it has a real hippy look to it. It is also really easy to make it more amazing by adding plaits and fake dreads.

-Alexis xx :)

Wednesday 18 February 2015

DIY - Strappy Layering Bra


Hi everyone!
It has been a while since I last posted because my internet ran out :( but I am back!! Today's DIY is how to make your own strappy layering bra with just a bra and some elastic trim. I have seen heaps of these on Pinterest and I think they look amazing under other tops and could be a really cool idea for festivals under crop tops. 
Below are some ideas and the steps for you to make your own!

What you need:

-A plain bra or bralette - I used a plain 
black one that has been sitting in my drawer for ages

-Elastic trim to match your bra whatever 
thickness you like - you can find this at sewing shops

-Needle and thread or a sewing machine



1. Cut your elastic trim and pin it where you want it. Leave a bit extra on the ends just in case you need to adjust anything. As you can see I just started with a simple x shape.

2. Carefully try your bra on (without stabbing yourself like I did :/) to make sure the trim is pinned in the right place. Make any adjustments if you need to. 

3. Sew on the elastic. I had to hand stitch because my sewing machine isn't going at the moment but it would be way quicker to use it if you have one. 

After I tried it on again I decided I wanted another couple of straps so just added them on the same way. 


Done! Super quick and easy and looks amazing under low cut tops. I am wearing mine under a top I got from I Heart Raves. Another thing to try would be one with straps on the back to wear under a backless top. 
If you have any DIY requests please let me know!

-Alexis :) xx

Thursday 5 February 2015

Hair Tutorial - My Washing And Straightening Routine For Wavy/Curly Hair

Hi everyone!
As you probably already know I have very thick wavy/curly hair. This means washing and straightening takes a while but I have learnt a few things that make it a bit easier. So here is my washing and straightening routine!

I wash my hair using Tresemme shampoo. If my hair still feels a bit dirty after one wash I will wash it again with the same shampoo. 
After that I use Pantene hydrating curls conditioner. While the conditioner is still in my hair I brush all the knots out of my hair with my hands then wash it out.
To dry my hair I just squeeze all the water out then wrap it in a towel for a while. I don't rub my hair with the towel because this makes it frizzy.
If I need to dry my hair quickly I use a hairdryer with a diffuser on the end.

When my hair is completely dry I can straighten it. I don't brush my hair because this also makes it frizzy so if there is any knots I carefully brush them out with my fingers. I am using my Nume In-vouge straightener set at 390 °F

I straighten my hair in 3 or 4 different sections starting at the bottom. If the underneath isn't straight there is no way your hair is going to look perfectly straight at the end.

I take a small section and slowly run the straightener down it starting as close to my head as possible. Running it slowly down works better than having to go over it heaps of times and does less damage. If the ends still aren't straight I go over them again starting from about halfway down my hair.

After I straighten the underneath I let down another section of hair and straighten that. I keep doing this until it is all straight.

So that is my washing and straightening routine! I hope this helps people with hair like mine!

-Alexis xx :)

Monday 2 February 2015

DIY - Mini Pinatas with Kary From Beauty, Clothes and All Things Nice!

Hi everyone! 
Todays DIY is how to make super cute mini pinatas! These would make a great little gift for someone or would be good as a small gift at parties. I did this DIY together with Kary from Beauty, Clothes and All Things Nice - you can see her blog here!


-Cardboard - We used one thick and one thinner
-Thin coloured paper or crepe paper
-Small lollies - we used skittles and M&Ms

1. Start by drawing out the shape of the pinata you want on the thicker cardboard. Cut out 2 of these.

2. Cut a strip of the thin cardboard the width you want your pinata.

3. Wrap the strip of the thin cardboard around one of the shapes you cut out and tape it there. Leave one of the ends un-taped for the lollies to go in.

4. Stick the other side of the pinata on.

5. Pour the lollies into the gap. 

6. Tape the hole closed.

7. Cut a strip of the coloured paper then cut slits along it.

8. Glue the coloured paper all over the pinata in rows.

Done! Super easy and can be done in an afternoon.
Me and Kary will be working together more in the future so make sure to check back for that!

-Alexis xx :)