Tuesday 28 April 2015

DIY - Terrariums!!

Hi everyone!

Todays DIY is how to make your own terrarium. This is a mini indoor garden perfect for if you don't have any garden space outside or just to decorate a room. There is endless possibilities of ways to decorate them so each one is unique and interesting.

This is going to be a two part DIY, the first part will be on the basics of planting your terrarium and making a desert one with cacti and succulents. The second half will be making a wetter terrarium and how to make little decorations to put into your terrariums.


- Glass terrarium or large vase - I suggest looking around at
recycling centers and second-hand shops first. The one for
this terrarium I found at The Warehouse on sale for $15
- Potting Mix
- Plants - For this desert terrarium choose cacti and succulents 
which don't need much water
- Gardening tools
- Gardening Gloves
- Bag of aquarium stones - these can be found at pet stores
-Extra Decorations

1. Fill the bottom of you glass terrarium with the aquarium stones. You only need to fill up to a few cm - keep in mind how tall your plants are how how much potting mix you need to fit in. These stones are important for the water to drain into.

2. Pour in your potting mix. You will need more of this than the stones for your plants to grow their roots. My terrarium is now filled up just below half way. Potting mix is better than just regular soil as it has more nutrients for the plants to grow. You can also get a cactus potting mix which you could use.

3. Decide where you want each plant to go. Make a hole and carefully remove the plant from the pot and put it into the hole. Use gloves if you are planting a cactus or you will get spikes in your hands (I still somehow managed to do that and it wasn't fun).

4. Layer more of the stones on the top around the plants. This is optional but I thought it worked well for this one as it made the environment look dryer like a desert would be and was more interesting to look at than soil.

5. Add any extra decorations such as crystals or cool stones.

6. Water your plants a bit. You just want to dampen the soil. For cacti and succulents you won't need the water it very often. Watering instructions are usually found on the back of the information card on the plant.

Done! These desert terrariums are very easy to make and they don't require too much effort to look after as cacti and succulents don't need to be watered often. These terrariums are perfect for decorating any room and are perfect indoor gardens if you don't have any garden space outside.

I will be posting the second part of this post very soon so make sure you come back for that!

-Alexis :)

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