Friday 20 March 2015

My Art from 2014

Hi everyone!

Art is my favourite subject in school and something I love to do in my spare time so I thought I would share with you my art from school last year! The overall idea we had to follow was surrealism with I had heaps of fun with it so here is my best work from last year! :)

Saturday 14 March 2015

How to make kandi cuffs!!

Hi everyone!

It's time for my second post on how to make kandi - how to make kandi cuffs! I have heaps of fun making these and there is endless designs to use. 
When you start making cuffs it is easiest if you already have a pattern. You can find thousands of patterns on kandi patterns as well as photos for inspiration and more tutorials. For the cuff I made for this tutorial I made my own pattern. You can use this one if you like or find a different one you like. For your first cuff I would recommend doing something simple like a basic colour pattern or simple picture. 

-pony beads in different colours and enough for the whole cuff
-elastic string
-a pattern

Here is the pattern I made:

1. Cut a long piece of the elastic. You will need a lot of it but you can tie more on later so only cut it as long as you feel comfortable working with. 

2. You will be starting your cuff on the first and second rows. Thread the beads on in order from left to right. If you are following my pattern this is blue, purple, pink, orange, yellow, green.. . After you have done this tie of the elastic, but DON'T CUT IT! 

3. Next is the third row. You will be starting at the blue bead on the end. Thread this onto the long end of elastic, skip a bead then thread it through the next bead. So if you are following my pattern you will skip the blue bead and thread the elastic through the purple bead. Continue doing this to the end of the row.

This is what it will look like at the end of the third row. When you reach the end you need to thread the elastic through two beads, as you can see the two beads I threaded it through was orange and blue. 

4. Start on the forth row. Because of where the last row ended you will be starting with purple this time. Thread on this row the same as the last one. You will see that the beads fit into the gaps of the last row.

5. Continue this pattern until you have reached the end of your cuff. Above is where you will be starting each row.

6. When you are completely finished tie it off and you are done!

This is the finished cuff! I used glow-in-the-dark beads for the heart which looks really awesome when it's dark. 
Have fun creating all different designs and cuffs!

-Alexis :)

Sunday 8 March 2015


Hi everyone!

As promised (weeks ago :/) I putting up a couple of posts on how to make kandi! This is just a quick post on the basic supplies you need and ideas for making singles. :)

For those people who don't know what kandi is it is jewellery like bracelets, necklaces, masks and other things made from colored pony beads and is usually worn by ravers and EDM fans. 

Basic Supplies:

-Pony beads in different colours - I got a big box of 
diffenet colours and glow-in-the-dark ones
-Elastic String
-Letter beads
-Charms and shape beads

Start by laying out the pattern you want with the beads. I just did pink and purple and spelled out I'm a unicorn. 

String the beads onto the elastic. It's easier to do this before you cut it so if you accidentally drop it you wont lose all the beads (I've done that enough times).

I make mine with 28-34 beads usually depending on where I want to wear it on my arm, sometimes more.

Tie off the elastic and cut off the ends. Done!!

 Have fun coming up with heaps of new kandi ideas and showing off your creativity. Below are a couple of ideas for more interesting kandi and some of my kandi.

I will be putting up a new post soon on how to make cuffs! :)

-Alexis :)